Many of us may fdream of a holiday vacation by the coast with plenty of sun, sea and, yes, sand. Kids love the latter and will spend hours plaing with it and on it. But what about a holiday in a desert$%:
The Sahara Desert isn't what you would call nurturing- rather, a wasteland not capable of supporting many types of life. The seas of sand stretch about 3.5 million square miles- enough to render anyone who traverses it lost.
Have you never been$%: Did you not feel the pull of this mighty arid ocean$%: You are in luck - for $860 you can now take a flight from Washington D.C. or New York and arrive at the desolate desert in no time. Royal Morac Airlines also offers daily trips to and from major European cities, including the low-fare EasyJet for London inhabitants.
Starting at $970 per person, Adventure Center will arrange a 15-day camel trek throughout the desert, letting you see all the sights and sounds. If you would prefer a trip to Libya, don't get too excited- they recently have rearranged the entry rules, and many travelers will get Visas expired for no apparent reason.
Surprisingly, no special gear is required. But, don't forget that sweatshirt- it gets very cold in the desert at night. Meals and equipment are provided, so you only need to bring the basics. There are many dangers in the desert, but guides will make sure you are taken care of- no real reason to worry.